Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Your Top 5 Facial Cleansing Mistakes

There are many common mistakes we make when it comes to facial care, and the things we do and put on our face can have a huge effect to the skin. Here are the top 5 mistakes a lot of people tend to do:

- Don't Exfoliate Too Much

Exfoliants are used to remove dead skin and make it appear much more smoother and brighter. Although too much of the acids and buffing agents can strip off and dry out your skin's layer. Unfortunately if this tends to carry on, your skin could eventually become weak and effect your skin's natural barrier.

- Choose The Right Cleanser

Cleansers should keep skin clean as well as keeping your skin healthy and at it's best. Therefore opt for a mild cleanser that removes dirt, oil and residue without leaving your skin feeling dry and irritated.

- Lukewarm Water

You should never use hot or very cold water when washing your face, it will only shock and irritate your skin. Instead try and use lukewarm water.

- Hands

Throughout the day our hands touch alot of things. Which means you should remember to wash your hands thoroughly before attempting to wash your face. This will try and avoid bacteria transferring onto your face.

- Be Delicate

When drying your face don't rub with your towel because your skin is really sensitive. Rubbing with towels could also lead to wrinkles. Therefore I'd think it's best to be as delicate as you can.

I really hope these tips have helped you! Please share this post and comment on your thoughts. Thank you for reading,

Devona x


  1. I read that tip (that you should pat your face dry) in a magazine a while back and since then I never rub my face dry. I'm still pretty young but it never hurts to be preventative! Good tips :)

  2. these are good reminders :D we're all young but it never hurts to start taking care of our skin now!

    would you like to follow each other?

  3. I'm so guilty of rubbing my face with a towel! I promise to be more careful now! :) Xxx

  4. lovely tips! such a helpful post

    following your blog now <3

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // youtube // bloglovin

  5. great tips dear :) love to read tips and tricks! always so interesting :)
    i'm following you now!!
    wish you a nice sunday.

  6. This is a great post, I love tips posts. Thank you for commenting on my blog!

    C x |


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