
Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ways To Get Rid of Acne Fast/Overnight

Nobody is perfect and we all have our skin problems now and again. I know one of the most common skin problems most people suffer with is Acne. Luckily I never get spots, I can't remember the last time I've had a single spot on my face and when one does appear on my face I can instantly get rid of it overnight. So I thought I'd give a few tips to you lovely readers on how to prevent and get rid of them as fast as possible.


Ice can easily eliminate pimples and soothe spots as it helps blood circulation on the area. It also freezes the pores and removes dirt and oil on the skin. Whether it is crushed ice or cubed ice, they are both as effective.


Honey helps speed up the healing process as it is a source of natural antibiotics. Another benefit of using honey is that it prevents infections.
To use this on your skin dip a fresh cotton bud in honey and put it onto your affected area then leave it on for a while, I'd say half an hour, then wash your skin and rinse off with lukewarm water, not cold!!


A better, more effective option would to mix honey and cinnamon together and apply it all over your spots before going to bed. On the following morning rinse your face well with cold water. You will see such a huge difference as the swelling should decrease. This is something I do regularly whenever I get spots and it never fails!


This treatment ALWAYS works for me! Apply some white toothpaste on the affected skin before bed and in the morning rinse your face. Whenever I do this, my spots/pimples completely disappear the next morning. This is the most effective way to easily get rid of acne for me.


Either way steam is amazing for your skin because it opens up your pores and allows your skin to breathe. Though when you have acne its much more beneficial. It helps get rid of all the bacteria, dirt and oil.
If you don't have a face steamer at home, fill a big container with steaming hot water and put your face at an appropriate level from the water to allow the steam to get to your face. Do not do this for over 20mins! Once you're done dry your face and rinse your face with lukewarm water, followed by moisturising your skin. 

To prevent acne ensure that you cleanse your face thoroughly EVERY night so your pores don't get clogged, particularly from makeup. You could also look into Mineral make-up which won't cause your skin to get worse. As well as looking for the right foundation for your skin type, especially if you tend to have oily skin!

Thank you for reading xx


  1. This is really helpful, i'll definitely try using some toothpaste next time i have a spot, its great that you've uses thing's you get around the house not expensive products!
    izzy x

  2. This is such a useful post!! Thank you :)

    Thanks for the kind comment on my blog! :)
    Following you now on GFC and Bloglovin! Hope you follow me back on both:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i use the ice treatment :) i will try the other treatment you give! thanks for this <3

    .never settle for less.

  5. This is such a helpful post, thanks! :)

    Claire | AgentSmyth

  6. Going to try some of these methods out, helpful post! :) xx

  7. Great tips! Never heard of the ice method before.



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